wow today im seventeen and i have to do math test at 7? great. dan beginila akirnya subuh2 mencoba untuk belajar namun tidak sanggup akibat kantuk yang berlebih, however untuk nulis ini anehnya tidak terkantuk2. yea tha math book really kissed my lips fo sure this morning karna kekantukan tsb haha tololnyaa.
17 yang cukup biasa, i tried not to celebrate it by throwing a party. just a small private dinner with couples of friends. gue ingin ulang tahun ini lebih untuk merefleksikan diri plus mengintrospeksi lalu merumuskan resolusi-resolusi baru di umur yang baru.
first thing first orang yang ingin gue doakan di awal umur ini:
1. my mom, thanks for all. even tho i had a bed dream last nite bout her, i dreamed that someone lied to me that she has died! i dont know who's the mean guy but he has succeeded in makin me feel pretty awful.
2. my granny, thanks for buying those ribs for my dinner. may god gives you a happy long life even tho without my granpa.
2. my grandpa, hey there in some place beautiful. i hope you're fine and happy cos now your grandotty is havin a birthday.. thank you for the book you bought fo me on my birth day last year, that's the best present i ever received in my life. and i know nothin can replace yours.
dengan legalnya umur baru ini, ada bberapa hal yang perlu diperbaiki tentunya:
1. lebih giat dan pantang menyerah dalam belajar supaya naik kelas
2. mencanangkan dan mempersiapkan masa depan dengan baik ke jepang atas seijin allah.
3. BERSENANG-SENANG di tengah kehirukpikukan sekolah (PENTING) sepertinya taun sebelumnya adalah taun2 yang salah karna kurang meresapi pentingnya santai saat liburan
dengan legalnya umur baru ini, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dicanangkan di masa depan juga:
1. dalam 24 tahun harus BISA ke 12 negara di dunia and with my own cash ofcourse
2. meet mr.erlend oye
3. menjadi orang sukses
4. menjalankan kepercayaan dengan baik dan sesuai aturannya
actually, i dont know why i wrote those stuff above, those arent proper to share anyway but instead of study i prefer to wrte. haha. welcome to the legal age banyu!
oh anyway you all should hear a duo called Renfro (gee, they're beautiful), especially Terrain. thanks for accompanying me in my very early 17.
oh i forgot! thanks to those who msg me in my very early 17 : dhita, saphira, tisya, ayu, gadis, aldo, gian, andra, kak cum, and rindang. really appreciate you all, cos im no body who love to wait aaall nite just to msg a friend who's having a birthday. thats very nice lads, thaaankk youuuu!
well well when all said and done, hope i can do math perfecttoday (yea rite) . wish me luck! tha tha
2 Kommentare:
where in japan?
keio?waseda?or maybe musashino?
what are you majoring? art?
good luck.
bukan, hubungan internasional insyallah di APU (mauny).. thanks
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