Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

A New Earth

I've been reading a book titled A NEW EARTH these days. The best part of this book is that it tries to make people realize that we are in a suffering state of mind. Well done described. it's not a book that force you to change your thoughts about something otherwise it tries to awake you (in this case, awakes me) that every emotion that we have everyday is caused by our own ego.

Mr. Tolle said that what we usually refer to when we say 'I' is not who we are. Instead of that, we made the 'I' word equate with who we are. Who are we in this case is a gender, possessions, a nationality, religion, race, profession and also things that happened to 'me' in the past. Let's make it crystal clear.. he said that "most of the time it is not you who speaks when you say or think 'I' but some aspect of that mental construct, the egoic self. Once we awaken, we still use the word 'I', but it will come from a much deeper place within ourselves."

To be more precise, ego = I = me = myself = mine and i conclude that i shouldn't equate it with my truly self (the unconscious mind who doesn't realize that ego has taken its part). though it is the fate of ego that we become like what we are now, but if we are awaken somehow now and we know the ego makes us somewhat uncomfortable we better aware of it from now on and try not to be too attached with things or people. true.

Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2008

my experience on believes, love, and lust.

budha said : tatata- the suchness of life

Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

a mad prediction

Ramalan malapetaka untuk Indonesia selagi tingakatan air laut meninggi. Setelah gelombang pasang minggu lalu melewati dinding perbatasan, jalan utama menuju bandara Jakarta pun tertutup. Beberapa ramalan untuk Indonesia dikeluarkan oleh konferensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) di Bali jika tingakatan air laut terus meninggi:

Bandara Jakarta akan tenggelam pada tahun 2035.
Sekitar 25% wilayah Jakarta dapat hilang di tahun 2050.
Surabaya dan Semarang akan banjir secara tetap pada tahun 2080.
Ibukota Indonesia terpaksa dipindahkan ke Bandung.
Dua ribu pulau bisa habis di tahun 2030.400,000 km kuadrat luas daratan lenyap pada tahun 2080, termasuk sekitar 10% dari Papua, dan 5% dari Jawa dan Sumatra (di pesisir utara).

Begitu ujar Nicholas Stern, pengarang “The Stern Report” (2006) mengenai perubahan iklim: Negara kepulauan sangat rawan terhadap peningkatan air laut dan badai. Indonesia termasuk Negara yang amat rawan.

Menurut sebuah laporan iklim PBB, suhu dunia diperkirakan akan bertambah diantara 1.1 dan 6.4 derajat Celsius (2.0 dan 11.5 derajat Fahrenheit) sementara tingkatan air laut diantara 18 cm dan 59 cm (7 dan 23 inci) diabad ini.

what a prediction to have. in the mean time i'm thinking what am i doing in 2030, 2035, 2050, and 2080? okay let's count my age first. in 2030 i'll be 39 and there's no pulau seribu?? wew i have to take my kids to pulau seribu soon as i have one. and in 2035 i'll be 44 and there's no airport in jakarta, great cos i wont be in Jakarta either in that year. and 2050 i'll be 59.. if i'm still alive that year hm.. i dont even dare to say that i'm gonna make to that age.